I will start by telling you that my little munchkin has been waking a bit in the night, so I will go in and pray over her. I usually will pray something along the lines of asking Jesus to be with her and help her to sleep and not be afraid. I pray that she would have comfort and that He would help her return to sleep easily. Well...
Last night Vicky was watching her while Handsome and I went to our small group Bible study. When we came home, she filled us in on how the tuck in went and all that good stuff. (She only really sees our children for a very short time, basically long enough to tuck them into bed and read stories. It's an easy night as far as babysitting goes.) They were nearing the end of bedtime routine, in the midst of prayer she tells Vicky to ask Jesus to come in.
Vicky asked her, "Come in where?" wondering where Curly was going with her request.
She said, "In my room." I am assuming in her- duh, that's an obvious question Vicky- type voice. At least that is what she uses with me.
Vicky prayed for Jesus to come into her room. Curly then asks, "Where is he?"
As I would also be, Vicky was at a loss of what to tell my two year old, knowing that she is a bit young to understand that you can't see Jesus like you do other people and that He lives in us...etc. She told me she didn't want to tell her he was in the closet (jokingly), so she told her something to the effect of him living in her heart. This of course confused her quite a bit and the discussion was a bit difficult because of her age.
Today the subject arose again and she asked me about Jesus and where he is. "Where Jesus Mommy?" I told her that he is everywhere and that he lives in us and helps us to make good choices and helps us when we need him. She looked at me and said, "Can't see him Momma." as if to question my answer because she couldn't see him. I told her that she couldn't see him, but we can feel him inside us. I mentioned something to the effect of warm and cozy at one point. (Wow, she is too young for this to be happening already. I was not prepared with what to say, but I wonder if you ever are.)
"When he get bigger, he come out and play toys with me!" I now think that might be her thoughts due to the recent understanding that Smiles was in Mommy and then he came out and when he gets bigger he can play with her. Let's just say that I tried to explain that too...
A couple minutes later she is in the hall with her Daddy and he is holding her. I hear her tell him that Jesus is in his heart, to which he agrees. Then she starts to rub his arms and say, "Feel your heart Daddy. It's warm and fuzzy." We couldn't help but laugh. All morning it was all about Jesus.
I want to clarify that I am aware that some of my answers could have been better I am sure, but in my defense she can't understand as much as I would hope for and I was also very unprepared. Heck, Vicky was caught off guard too and she has been a Sunday school teacher for years. I don't feel all that bad about it. At least she is trying to understand.
New Testament Blessings
8 years ago
Um, your answer was way better than mine! I can't believe she was still talking about it this morning. I sorta figured she was half asleep by the time we had our deep theological discussion...
Also, the Jesus get big and come out and play with me thing is hilarious. Though I can see her logic. How do we explain that one??? Hmmmm....
some day you will have to tell her that she has to ask Jesus to come into her heart. she is so precious. your babies are beautiful. It is a joy hearing about their adorable qualities and what is going on in your life and thoughts. love you!
Kids are so cool!
Answers always change depending on the kid, but if Zachary or Nathan were to ask, "where can I see Jesus?" I might say, something like... "you can see Jesus in the good things mommy and daddy do for you." ... "You can see him in the church and through the way we love one another." ... "Because it is only because Jesus loves me, that I am able to love you."
or something like that....
Love the input. That's a great way to put it Joe. I guess that's why you are a pastor eh? =)
I think you and Vicky did just fine. I'm glad Vicky didn't go with the "in the closet" joke. Not something to joke about.
I have always shared the "in my heart" perspective, knowing that they don't fully understand at first. However, when they grow up hearing the same answer over and over ... one day it clicks. We have had kids ask Jesus into their hearts (with no parental initiation) anywhere from 4 years old to 8 years old. We have never told our children, "You need to ask Jesus into your heart.", and we get frustrated when that line is pushed at church. We just talk so openly about our relationship with Jesus, that when they are ready, and understanding of what they want, they have always come to us on their own and said that they were ready.
So, this is just the beginning of an ongoing conversation that will last for years.
Keep up the good work!
Laurel :)
mama of 10 children that have asked Jesus into their hearts, and 3 more that are still learning about the process
Just to clarify... I would never ACTUALLY tell a child that Jesus was in the closet. I simply wasn't sure what sort of answer Alexis was looking for. I joked to Amber (not Alexis) about the closet thing.
I'm sure you all assumed that, but I wanted to clarify. Otherwise, I'll be banned from all future Sunday school teaching positions :)
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