This weekend we had a little party to celebrate Curly's birthday. She had two friends that she wanted to invite. No more, just two. I was okay with that, since we have a large enough family to fill the house beyond the comfortable limits. So, she had a family party with her two friends. Very low key.
M and Curly have been friends since M was a two months old. When her mommy went back to work I watched her a couple of days a week. Last year she was with us more often until I got too tired being pregnant with Smiles.
J's mom started watching M when I finished up. Now we play with them sometimes during the week. We (his mommy and I) have been on the Steering Team for our MOPS group the past two years together.
We went to the park down the street and blew bubbles first. Aunt Artsy sure is cute when she blows bubbles. She is always cute.
This is when we were walking back to the house. I love how J has a look on his face like he is so not into holding the girl's hands in the first picture.
Papa with Smiles.
A grouping of some of my siblings on the couch. The middle one is new though, he just changed my sister's last name =)...she is the one on the right end. Don't ask how he ended up in the middle of all the giggly sisters, poor guy. They get a little rowdy and silly together. (They probably gathered around him one by one and then silliness ensued.)
Curly likes to eat her cake on a stick. I guess the cupcake pops that we made confused her about regular cake.
(Check out Bakerella for more of these and how to make them.)
For the how to, click here.
For different designs, click here and scroll down a bit. There are a couple of posts you will have to scroll through.
Nana and Handsome's cousin J, pictured below, made an awesome card with their bare hands! Check it out.
Now you can see that my card making talent is limited compared to theirs =). J is amazing and sometimes sends me scrapbook pages. What a gal! Curly loves her too.
I just had to include this picture of little mister J on Handsome's leg. So cute, that boy!
Smiles is charming M's parents. They have another little girl coming in July.
Handsome thinks this picture is hilarious. He is into Star Wars and that is Curly's light saber. They each have one. She will say to Handsome, "Daddy, I challenge you to a duel!"
And lastly, Vicky with Smiles.
It was a fun and simple party. Curly had a great time and that's what matters most.
New Testament Blessings
8 years ago
Happy Birthday to Curly! It looks like your party was much more fun than mine.
Looks like fun!! I wish I could have been there! :(
Looks like such a fun and beautiful day!! ARen't birthday's fun??
and, it is scary to leave the man home. but this time, it was SO worth it! I had a great break at my moms and enjoyed being with family that I never see at my sister's wedding shower. I do miss my baby girls and I even missed my messy hubby. :) always GREAT to be home...
The pic of M, HIM (the cat), and the light saber is priceless.
Also, I really like the one of Smiles and me. I'll have to "steal" that one :)
I told my coworkers about the cake-pops. Sooooo good!
Cute pictures..glad Curly had a Happy Birthday :)
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