Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Stormy Weather

As I sit with my morning cup of coffee, my mind is filled with thoughts. How can the world just go on like this? How can so many people go about their merry, joyful days while my dear friend is filled with such sorrow? How does the world not stop for a moment with sadness? I could not even dry my hair today without sadness in all it's fullness drizzling out of my soul.

Last night the stormy sky was reflective of my heart and mind. The beating of the rain on the roof, pain. The wind, how quickly one can blow through your life. The wetness of raindrops, tears and sorrow. The dark, baby-snatching clouds from whence the sorrow comes...those are this world which the enemy has been given way too much persuasive power in. But God can make all things new and bring joy through sorrow. It is only He who can. The trees blowing through the storm, God's family, there to blow alongside you. A tree on it's own with strong wind will blow over, but a forest stands firm together and far fewer parish. The moon, though hidden by the clouds, still remains in all it's joyful light. The warm house in which I reside. It is firm and steady. That is none other than the arms of Christ in all his power. Comfort comes from his warm embrace. Ride out the storm in His waiting arms, for a tent is no place to weather a storm.

The only way to ride out a storm is to wait. With time the storm will slow and our burdened hearts will rest.


Katherine Laine said...

How's your book coming?

Vicky said...

This was beautiful, Amberlyn. Thank you for sharing.

Unknown said...

This was a beautiful writing....