Sunday, February 8, 2009

Seeking the Sabbath: Generosity

I am not going to go into detail all that much today. I just wanted to share that God is heavily working on me in the area of generosity. I think I am a bit selfish. Well, I know that I am. For about a month now this has been an area of work.

The phrase that is repeated over and over in my heart and mind:

"All that I have and all that I am belongs to God."

That pretty much sums up, in a very simplified way, what I am growing in. It's all His. My stuff is His. My children are His. My LIFE is His.

That's gotta change a girl's perspective a little bit, don't you think? I could go much, much deeper, but I am rather contemplative right now and would rather keep my thoughts to myself as I explore. My mind might, and probably will change with a little more time. It's all about going deeper.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your Phrase. I think I will adopt it as well...and add

I expand all that I have and all that I am by sharing it with others, who also belong to God.