I decided that, since we are getting to know one another a bit better, it would be nice to introduce you to my family. That might sound boring, but I assure you that my family is very complicated. I will start simple with the family you already know a bit and then move on to our parents and siblings.
Handsome and I met when we were in High School. He has become a wonderful husband and father and I wouldn't want any other man to lead our family. Every marriage has difficulty in it, so don't think that I am implying that we have it down, but right now I am the most content I have been in my marriage ever. I am probably the most content I have been in my life.
Anyway, we are supposed to be talking about Handsome. Sorry. He is a very laid back guy that loves to spend time with his family. He could come across as shy to some, but really he is just the quiet observer type. It's nice to have an easy going guy for a girl like me. He doesn't care that much about many of the things I have a firm opinion on. Most of the time I get my way by default, and I have learned that if he has an opinion or desire that isn't the same as mine I should let him have his way. Or maybe I should say I am learning that. Sometimes I still have to work on it...
My fella helps around the house a lot. He does laundry (not all of it, give me some credit guys!), helps with the dishes, gives the kids baths, and takes care of lots of other things around the house. Every night, when he is home in time, he helps get Curly into bed while I nurse Smiles to sleep. I can't get over the awesome father that he is. The kids adore him and you can tell when he steps in the door. He isn't above a tea party and will even wear the hat if Curly asks, he might even put on a strand of beads or two. Watching them together just makes me smile.
He has become a faith-filled man that desires God. It's amazing to me to look back and see how far he has come. When we were dating he wasn't a Christian and now I can see it in all the little things. You know how little things just pile together and you know just by watching him that, "Wow. My husband really wants God to be the center of his life!". That's the most awesome thing a wife could ask for. I love when you share your heart with me honey. And I even love the little songs that you make up to crazy tunes that talk about God.
Handsome loves him some gaming. He plays online games and video games. Has since he was pretty young I think, so he is good at them too. Not that I brag to my friends about that one, but he might be proud of it. He understands the tech stuff way more than I do and used to design websites long before the bullseye entered his life (we're talking Target here...) and became his focus of employment. I like to call him my sexy computer nerd. (It seems to me that if I call him a nerd I had better put something nice with it. I don't think being a nerd is anything to complain about, but I don't want him thinking I am not being nice.)
And as you may have already heard, I am not shy about the fact that we are a Target family. He works for the awesome company and I honestly believe that there isn't a better retail corporation to work for. Right now he is HR and likes it, though he just transferred locations. We will see how the new adventure goes. This man was made for the work he does and I pray often that he can be an example of a godly man in the workplace.
Well, I could go on, but I will stop myself for now. I sure do love that man. What a blessing it is to have such a great guy at my side in everything that I encounter in this life. I am grateful to have you my love.
(This one is just for kicks. Let's be honest- kids pick noses. It's just the truth.)
New Testament Blessings
8 years ago
I sure do love your Handsome too! He is an amazing Daddy and husband and I think I won the son-in-law lottery cause I couldn't have picked a better one if I tried ti hand pick one.
You already know how I feel, (both of you) I just like to share my opinoins on other people's blogs.
Your mom cracks me up :)
Um, I think you need some pics of your husband and Smiles.
Very sweet post!
You do have a wonderful husband! He is such a great guy and means a whole lot to me too! Love you Tom!!! Great post!
Thanks for this post! I have grown a lot in the last 3 years, and we have together as a couple and family. It feels great to look back and see where we came from and where we are today. Thanks for always supporting me!
I love you!
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