Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Fair. By Curly.



"Do you wanna go to the fair today?"

"...."(Just kidding, she really wanted to go. A LOT.)

"Did you have fun when you went to the fair?"

"Yeah! It has lots of cows at duh fayer! And ice cream too!"

"Who did you go with?"

"...NOT Daddy..."

"Oh, that's too bad. Daddy had to work, didn't he..."

"But Uncka Nick (Brody) comeded wif us. And Gwama too."

"And I makeded a horse fing. Uncka Nick hewpded me."

"We eated ice cream too. Der was milking a cow near der...milk is from cows tummy fings."

"Smiles didn't wanna go wif da goats doe. I fink he was scareded."

"Ponies are my favorite. But you can't ride dem at the fair! I want to ride dem."


Vicky said...

Sorta makes me wanna go to the fair...

Maybe she can ride a pony at the pumpkin patch next month. That girl and her horse right now... too funny! :)

Katherine Laine said...

I saw a sign in SillyVille that said "Pony Rides This Way". I didn't follow it as it was too early for any rides to be going.

Jenilee said...

this is such a cute post! your kids are adorable. :)